Sexual Harassment Training for Supervisors: What Companies Need to Know
Aug 17, 2023
Sexual harassment is a widespread issue that often goes unreported and can have serious long-term consequences for businesses. A study revealed that one out of every seven women and seventeen men has actively pursued a new job assignment or resigned from their job due to sexual harassment in the workplace.
Supervisors not only play a pivotal role in shaping workplace culture but in also preventing sexual harassment in the workplace, making it imperative for them to undergo comprehensive sexual harassment training.
This blog covers harassment training for supervisors, including sexual harassment, legal responsibilities, prevention techniques, and an on-demand resource for supervisors.
Understanding Harassment under Federal Law
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government.
Sexual harassment encompasses unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Harassment can create a hostile work environment and can lead to adverse employment decisions.
Supervisors must recognize that any behavior that creates discomfort, fear, or distress can be considered harassment, irrespective of intent.
Different Types of Harassment
Harassment comes in various forms, extending beyond just explicit advances. It can manifest as:
- Physical assaults or threats
- Offensive jokes
- Slurs
- Name-calling
- Intimidation
- Insults or put-downs
- Ridicule or mockery
- Possession of offensive objects or pictures
- Interference with work performance
Cyber-harassment, an emerging concern in the digital age, involves using electronic means to engage in unwelcome behavior. Harassment training for supervisors can help spread awareness of the different types of harassment the law prohibits, as well as how to effectively address it and prevent it.
Company's Obligations to Address Harassment
Employers are legally obligated to provide a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. To meet this obligation, they must implement robust anti-harassment policies and procedures. This involves creating a framework that includes information on the following:
- What constitutes harassment
- How to report incidents of alleged harassment
- The steps for investigation and resolution of a harassment complaint
By clearly communicating the company's stance on harassment, supervisors contribute to fostering an environment where all employees feel safe and respected.
How to Establish an Anti-Harassment Policy
Developing an anti-harassment policy requires a collaborative effort involving HR, legal, and management teams. The policy should include precise reporting mechanisms, protection against retaliation, and consequences for violators. It should be comprehensive, accessible, and regularly communicated to all employees.
Most of the time, supervisors are the point of contact for employees. Training supervisors to understand and communicate this policy effectively is vital. Regular updates and training sessions help reinforce the policy's significance and inform supervisors about important regulation changes.
Ways to Prevent Harassment in the Workplace
Supervisors must actively work to create an inclusive culture where harassment is unacceptable. Here are some ways to prevent workplace harassment:
- Information dissemination to employees
- Appointing a key person or department to address complaints of harassment
- Encouraging bystander intervention by employees and supervisors
- Prompt investigation of harassment complaints
- Continuous anti-harassment training for supervisors, managers, and executives
Take the Anti-Sexual Harassment & Prevention Course for Supervisors by Karly Wannos
Companies should take the initiative to provide a safe workplace to all employees, not only in order to comply with legal mandates but also to confirm the company’s unwavering commitment to its employees. Take the steps and enroll in Karly Wannos' on-demand employment law course to train supervisors on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Karly Wannos has extensive experience as an employment lawyer, specializing in workplace dynamics and legal compliance with employment laws. Karly's Anti-Harassment Training for Supervisors is a course that offers a deeper look at the nuances of sexual harassment, legal implications, policy implementation, and proactive prevention strategies.
Take the first step to a safer and more conducive work environment. Sign up for the course for your entire management team today!
Florida businesses can contact The Wannos Law Firm, PA for legal services, mediation, or workplace investigations.
The information in this article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice.
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