How to prepare for employment law mediations and resolution of workplace disputes
Oct 26, 2024
How to prepare for employment law mediations and resolution of workplace disputes
Mediation is a time to bring opposing parties together to attempt to resolve a dispute now, rather than have the dispute drag through the court system and cost time, money, stress and angst for 2+ years. In order to get the most out of the mediation process, the parties (and their attorneys) can prepare ahead of time by taking these steps:
1. Understand the mediation procedure and what it will look.
2. Attorneys can discuss the value of the case with the client and have a “ball park” understanding of where reasonable settlement offers may land
3. Discuss potential “problems” with your case, so it’s not a surprise when you hear the issues raised from the opposing party.
4. Have a realistic understanding of how the litigation process will look if the case does not settle and continues through the litigation process.
5. Explore the potential for non-monetary options - are you willing to accept a waiver and release of a non-compete as part of the settlement?
Karly Wannos, Esq., is a Florida employment lawyer and mediator handling employment mediations, AAA arbitrations and workplace disputes. Reach out to The Wannos Law Firm to schedule a Florida employment law mediation.
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