Things to Consider When Promoting an Employee
Jul 19, 2022
Employees are leaving and companies are short staffed. Many employees are being promoted to cover for the ones who have left, but are these companies setting the employee up for failure? Does the employee have the proper training and qualifications to be a leader, know how to communicate and problem solve on a human level, help ensure your team is the most effective and productive as possible, and most importantly, not expose your company to lawsuits.
Soft skill training for leaders is really important. I recently released a podcast episode where I discussed why employees sue and the main reason is a bad manager.
On the legal side, train your employees so they don’t unknowingly do things that will violate employment laws. Some examples of new managers who have done things to land companies in legal trouble are the following:
1. Requiring employees to show up early to prep but only permitting employees to clock in when its time to begin the shift;
2. Requiring employees to limit time cards to 40 hours/week, pursuant to company policy, even though the employee worked 43 hours;
3. Terminating an employee for failure to return to work after FMLA leave without engaging in the interactive process under the ADA;
4. Responding to a claim of inappropriate jokes about females as “that’s just how he is- he doesn’t mean anything by it”;
5. Firing an employee for speaking Spanish during a break with co-workers.
I have defended companies involved in litigation on each one of these cases. Employment lawsuits typically cost $100k+ to defend, your employees may be deposed, your employees may know you have been sued, and companies will need to produce their business documentation in discovery.
Its much easier (and cost effective) to train your supervisors so they can properly lead a team, and your company can avoid lawsuits.
LETS WORK TOGETHER: Have questions? Florida businesses with employees can schedule a consultation here.
HR CONTRACTS: Do't have the time or budget to consult one-on-one? Check out my Employment Law Training for HR and customizable Legal Contract Templates for businesses. To schedule a FREE 10 minute consultation to discuss if the Trainings or Templates are right for your team, click here.
For Informational Purposes only. This does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney client relationship. Karly Wannos is licensed to practice law in Florida only. Please consult with an attorney before making any legal decisions.
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